
Medical Technology


Customer: Euromed Medizintechnik A. Pein

Headquarters: Germany

Industry: Medical Devices

Languages: German, English

Task: Total communication

Work examples: Product Folder for Hospitals


Work examples


In life you always meet twice. After 30 minutes, our first meeting at Euromed was over and we were on our way home before we knew it. Two years later we received a second call: they found our brochure, remembered us and decided to get in touch. The product development was now completed and they needed our help. This is how the cooperation started, which later included several communication measures for this innovative young company and its new product, the Hydro-Jet.


The product brochure for surgeons, the main target group for this product, depicted the Hydro-Jet as a superior, cutting-edge medical technological application: at the time dissection with water jet was an absolute novelty in the field. To optimally visualize the benefits of the new technology, we combined computer graphics with photos in the design. Additional tasks for A. Pein included development of corporate design and hydro-jet flyers and ads.


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